By Tobacco Business -October 25, 2021
Davidoff Cigars is celebrating the Chinese New Year with another cigar made especially for those aficionados that are into collecting and smoking rare cigars. Inspired by the Chinese Zodiac, Davidoff releases a limited edition cigar and accessory line each year saluting cigar enthusiasts born in that year’s Chinese zodiac. For the tenth edition, Davidoff is releasing the Year of the Tiger limited edition cigar, pipe tobacco, and accessory line.
2022 is the Year of the Tiger, a zodiac characterized by strength, energy, and determination. Because of the Tiger’s sharpened senses and their awareness of their surroundings, people born in the year of the Tiger are always ready to seize an opportunity. They will choose a direction, make a decision and will not backtrack or regret those actions. They are said to be born leaders and when creating the blend for this cigar, Davidoff created a cigar that reflects these characteristics perfectly.
The Year of the Tiger cigar features a Connecticut wrapper, a first for any Davidoff limited edition. This wrapper leaf was treated naturally to mimic the fur markings of the tiger on the finished cigar. It is presented as a 5 x 52 Piramides vitola blended with three proprietary Davidoff hybrid tobaccos that culminate into a new taste experience. The cigar has a golden hue that begins with notes of pepper and cedarwood before transitioning to a creaminess with notes of cacao leather and roasted notes. This all leads up to a surprising addition of honey in the final draws of the cigar.
“We are overly pleased and proud of this tenth edition of this range of Davidoff products celebrating the Chinese New Year. Our design teams and Master Blenders have poured all their expertise and craftsmanship into the creation of these spectacular executions,” says Edward Simon, Chief Marketing Officer of Oettinger Davidoff AG. “From masterfully creating a blend with a Connecticut wrapper as a first for a Davidoff Limited Edition cigar to designing a spectacular box inspired by the natural habitat of the tiger. On to accessories crafted by hand of utmost quality and exclusivity, the Year of the Tiger products are worthy of Zino Davidoff’s pioneering spirit and are sure to fill the time beautifully of aficionados around the world.”
Only 17,350 Davidoff Year of the Tiger cigars will be released worldwide. These cigars will be presented in a 10-count cigar box that comes with a transparent lid with carefully cut-out trees that create depth and excitement while revealing the cigars. A golden tiger is visible on the front of the box, hiding behind a tree while stalking its prey.
In addition to this cigar, Davidoff is also releasing a limited edition pipe tobacco and accessories with the Tiger theme. Presented in a vibrant lacquered tin, the Year of the Tiger pipe tobacco blend is influenced by Asian taste profiles. It features a mixture of Latakia, Burley, and Virginia tobaccos grown in China, India, Malawi, and Cyprus. Additionally, the tobaccos have been carefully flavored with a special musk aroma. Each tin is numbered and only 5,000 tins will be released globally. There will also be a release of Year of the Tiger accessories–an exclusive cigar leather case limited to 450 pieces and an ashtray, limited to 600 pieces worldwide.
Year of the Tiger limited edition cigars, pipe tobacco, and accessories will be available at select Davidoff Appointed Merchants and Flagship Stores around the world beginning in November 2021.
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