SOTL Global Movement Cigar Speakeasy, the haven for self-reflection and mentorship, is proud to introduce its new hostess, Belkys Sanchez, a passionate advocate for women’s empowerment. Building upon its successful launch earlier this year with Detra Denise, the Speakeasy continues to evolve with fresh perspectives and engaging topics.
In today’s demanding world, where women often find themselves juggling multiple roles and responsibilities, the SOTL Global Movement Cigar Speakeasy remains a sanctuary for personal growth and authentic connection. This unique online mentorship experience, hosted every other Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. CST, provides a concealed and serene environment for women to come together and explore the art of cigar smoking while delving into meaningful discussions.
Belkys Sanchez, a dedicated life coach, brings a wealth of experience and a passion for empowering women to the Speakeasy. Her warm and insightful approach promises to create an even more inviting atmosphere where women from all walks of life can find solace and inspiration.
Each SOTL Global Movement Cigar Speakeasy session will revolve around a specific theme and topic. These topics touch upon various aspects of life, such as creativity, coping skills, self-love, and the delicate balance between passion and financial obligations. The aim remains the same: to provide a platform for insightful conversations and meaningful mentorship.
Belkys Sanchez shared her enthusiasm for this new role: “I am thrilled to join this exceptional community and guide women on their journey towards self-discovery and empowerment. Together, we will create a safe space for personal growth and mentorship.”
Dr. Anastasia Psomiadi, the Founder of SOTL Global Movement, emphasized the importance of privacy within the Speakeasy. All meetings will continue to be held in a secure online setting to ensure participants can freely express themselves without fear of judgment or interference. This commitment to confidentiality fosters an authentic sense of community and support among attendees.
To embark on a transformative journey of self-reflection, mentorship, and personal growth with Belkys Sanchez at the SOTL Global Movement Cigar Speakeasy, visit to register for the next session on October 11th. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, embrace your true potential, and be part of a welcoming and inclusive community.
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About SOTL Global Movement Cigar Speakeasy:
The SOTL Global Movement Cigar Speakeasy is an exclusive online mentorship haven for women, dedicated to fostering self-authenticity, personal growth, and mentorship. It offers a unique space for women to come together, explore the art of cigar smoking, and engage in meaningful conversations centered around various life topics. The Speakeasy is committed to providing a private, secure, and supportive environment for women from all walks of life.