Introducing the ultimate travel companion for cigar lovers – the Cigar Prop Travel XC Steampunk edition. This simple yet stylish cigar rest is the perfect everyday-carry device to keep your cigars safe and secure, no matter where you are.
Crafted with practicality in mind, the Cigar Prop cigar rest is the ideal solution for those seeking a compact, portable device to keep their cigars clean and off the ground. Unlike other cigar rests on the market, this one requires no assembly and has no hinge to break.
Precision laser cut from high-quality 300 series stainless steel, the Cigar Prop Travel XC 2.0 is almost the exact same size as a credit card when the two sides are placed side by side. This makes it easy to carry in your wallet, purse, or pocket, so you’ll never be caught without a cigar rest again.
Each piece is 2.5” tall x 1.5” wide and weighs a 1/2 ounce.
This cigar rest is small enough to be portable but large enough to hold even the biggest cigar ring gauges.
We hope you thoroughly enjoy our new Cigar Prop Travel XC 2.0 because this one was made for you.
Made in the USA.
And remember, make sure to give your cigars the props they deserve.
These Novelty Cigar Nub Tools are 4.5″ long and feature food-grade stainless steel double prongs to hold your cigar nub securely.
The bodies are made of high-quality ABS plastic.
These weigh approximately 3 ounces each.
And remember, make sure to give your cigars the props they deserve.
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